Friday, June 22, 2012

Getting My Freak On at the Finish Line

Glen Arbor, MI 
Solstice Half Marathon

Me, dancing and ululating at the finish line while running? Well… you bet!

I am thrilled that the ladies and tribe from Another Mother Runner and writers of Run Like a Mother and Train Like a Mother thought the photos of me at the finish line were just as hilarious as I thought they were. They made them their cover photo on their Facebook page this week.

With a Marathon the following weekend and a ferocious hill at mile 8, the realistic mission on this race was to keep it smooth and not set a PR. My running buddy was there with me the entire time and this was another awesome experience. We ran steady at marathon pace and passed the only 6 runners we saw going up Inspiration Point—because we never stopped running and everyone else had to walk at some point. I was barking "hills for breakfast" 3/4 of the way up. Evie said she need that right then. And thank you to the man who was saying "good job" as we passed him. As bad as the hill was, I needed it. I needed to find faith after last week's rough 15. I could feel the disappointment I would have had if I did not push thru this mental and physical barrier. Yes, I was inspired. 

After getting over the top I was firing my fists in the air and then it was a swift recovery DOWNHILL run. Translation: ululation time. yei yei yei yei yei yei yei

And oh yeah, this was a race were told to be quiet during since it might disturb the community. So I had to find the right surroundings to disturb. No houses at this point. And the hand slapping did start from here on out. I was zig zagging just a little to get some energy from volunteers. I admit it, I NEED them.

The last 3 miles were flat and entailed a beautiful view crossing between two crystal blue lakes.  We passed around another 6 runners who were just having a hard time. Every time I see this, I remember my own past rough moments, been there. Closing in on the finish line I saw my other two run buddies who were done and waving—so this is what happens: dancing, running and ululating all at once. Celebrate and live it up.

Thanks for taking my photo Fly Chics.

Now to find my Focused Drive for tomorrow's marathon.

FLY RUNNING CHICS: Becky, Jill, Crista and Evie

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